Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (2024)

Traditions represent the social and cultural evolution of your empire as it expands across the stars. They’re unlocked with unity and they will allow you to further customize your rising power during the game.

However, not all traditions are created equal:

While some are all-around great to have during the whole game and easy picks for a fledgling galactic empire, others are very situational.

In this guide, we will take a look at the most useful and versatile early game choices to select the best tradition order for your empire.

Quick TL;DR

  • Discovery and/or Expansion for the early game
  • Supremacy for early wars
  • Harmony, Domination, Mercantile, or Prosperity for the economy
  • Diplomacy for federation shenanigans

Tradition Trees (Quick Overview)

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (1)

First of all, let’s look at how traditions are made and how much they cost. Here is the formula:

Tradition cost = [300 + (8 · Unlocked Traditions)¹⸱⁸] · (1 + 0.002 · Empire size cost)

They will grow more expensive as your empire expands & as you unlock more traditions during the game.

Traditions are organized in trees that must first be adopted. An empire receives a bonus when a tree is unlocked (which costs as much as unlocking a new Tradition) and when it is completed, along with an Ascension Perk.

Since finishing trees grants bonuses, and opening new ones increases the cost of all traditions, it’s generally advisable to complete the trees one at a time before moving on to the next.

There are thirteen different Tradition trees in the game, but only seven can be unlocked by any given empire. So you won’t be able to use them all in a single playthrough.

First Picks: Discovery and Expansion

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (2)

Stellaris is a 4X game. And the Discovery tree is (almost) all about the first “X”: Exploration.

So it should be no surprise that this would be one of the best first picks in the game.

Here are its traditions in the optimal pick order:

Pick OrderTradition NameBenefits
1Adoption Bonus
  • +20% Anomaly research speed
  • Map The Stars edict
2To Boldly Go
  • +35% Survey speed
  • +50% Science ship disengage chance
3Science Division
  • +1 Research Alternatives
  • +2 Scientist level cap
4Polytechnic Education
  • +25% Leader experience gain
  • +1 Leader level cap
5Faith in Science-20% Researcher upkeep
6Databank Uplinks
  • +20% Research station output
  • +20% Research from Starbases
  • Research Subsidies edict
FreeFinishing Bonus
  • +10% Research speed
  • Research Cooperative federation type

The adoption bonus is key. The edict it unlocks grants increased anomaly discovery chance, which means that all the systems you scan will have more anomalies that can in turn become resources for your growing empire.

The second and third picks are also quite strong, allowing you to explore faster than other empires and to have more control over your early techs.

All others are more useful late in the game and can be delayed for a brief detour in the Expansion tree.

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (3)

And now for Expansion, another “X” from this 4X masterpiece of a game.

First of all, here’s the tree in optimal pick order:

Pick OrderTradition NameBenefits
1Adoption Bonus+25% Colony development speed
2Colonization Fever+1 Extra pops when establishing a colony
3A New Life+10% Pop growth speed
4Reach for the Stars-10% Starbase influence cost
5Courier Network-25% Empire size from Systems and Colonies
6Galactic Ambition-20% Starbase upkeep
FreeFinishing Bonus+1 Max districts for all non-artificial planets

The plan here is getting the strong bonuses from these amazing trees as soon as possible, even if opening the two of them early will cost us a large chunk of unity in the short term.

Here’s my ideal early game pick order:

  1. Discovery Adoption
  2. To Boldly Go
  3. Expansion Adoption
  4. Colonization Fever
  5. Science DIvision
  6. A New Life

This allows you to have the improved exploration in the very early game, and get more value from your guaranteed colonies.

At this point, finish Discovery, then Expansion, and you’re all set.

Note: This strategy works best for machine empires, lithoids, and anything with extra habitability.

Best Traditions For War

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (4)

In Stellaris, your Pop total is king.

And the fastest method of obtaining new Pops is warfare.

It also has the advantage of taking away your enemy’s precious resources along with its colonies, so a military-themed tradition tree is a good choice. The two viable options are Supremacy and Unyielding,

The Supremacy tree is much better in general because we want to be on the offense, always on the prowl, always ready to claim more worlds. Let’s check it out:

Pick OrderTradition NameBenefits
1Adoption Bonus
  • +20 Naval Capacity
  • +20% Army Damage
2Overwhelming Force
  • +10% Ship Fire Rate
  • +20% Orbital Bombardment Damage
3Master Shipwrights
  • -10% Ship building cost
  • +25% Ship building speed
4Fleet Logistics Corps
  • -10% Ship Upkeep
  • +20% Naval Capacity
5War Games
  • +20 Fleet command limit
  • +2 Admiral level cap
6The Great Game+20% Damage to Starbases
FreeFinishing Bonus
  • War Doctrine policies
  • Supremacist diplomatic stance

The first two picks in particular are great for improving our early game military and can be used early on for a rush against a standard AI.

However, this is not always viable, as we might find ourselves boxed in by advanced start AIs or even Fallen Empires.

In the early mid-game, Supremacy is an extremely powerful option that will allow us to claim a good chunk of a neighboring empire – or to ward off potential invaders with well-rounded military bonuses.

Tip: “The Great Game” becomes much more powerful if pitted against an opponent that heavily relies on bastions. In such a situation, consider it as your third pick within the tree.

Traditions For Strengthening Your Economy

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (5)

Several Tradition trees will end up boosting your economy by reducing various upkeeps, increasing productivity, or both.

  • Extra Leader Lifespan
  • Stability
  • Edict Fund
  • POP demotion time is not useful
  • Lackluster final bonus
  • Influence
  • Stability
  • Edict Fund
  • Great for slavers
  • A whole tradition to boost enforcers
  • Lackluster final bonus
  • Mediocre for non-authoritarians
  • A lot of trade value
  • Reduced market fee
  • Great for megacorps
  • A tradition wasted on clerks
  • Extra merchant jobs on weak buildings
ProsperityGreat all-around bonusesNothing very impactful on its own

There are many factors to consider here because we’ll realistically pick only one or two of these Traditions.

For instance, a non-expansionist empire will rarely find itself short on influence. So Domination will not be as useful.

Similarly, an empire not focused on trade will not gain as much from Mercantile.

But when in doubt, you can’t go wrong with Prosperity.

Mid-To-Late Game Tree: Diplomacy

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (6)

As the empires of the galaxy grow in power, you’ll have to find some friends or find yourself outgunned by large federations. And you’ll also want to influence the now well-established Galactic Community as much as possible.

The Diplomacy tree grants several options to increase your sway over the galaxy as a whole.

Here are its Traditions in optimal pick order:

Pick OrderTradition NameBenefits
1Adoption Bonus
  • -50% Diplomatic Influence Cost
  • Unlocks the Diplomatic Grants edict
2The Federation
  • The empire can create Federations
  • +1 Available envoys
3Entente Coordination+100% Federation Naval Capacity Contribution
4Diplomatic Networking+3 Unity per Embassy
5Direct Diplomacy
  • +50 Trust cap
  • +33% Trust growth
6Eminent Diplomats
  • +5 Diplomatic Acceptance
  • 1% Monthly chance to gain a Favor per Improve Relations
FreeFinishing Bonus
  • +10% Diplomatic Weight
  • +1 Available envoys

Diplomacy is a very flexible tree.

Its usefulness will mostly vary based on your situation in the mid game.

If you’re striving to hold together a fragile defensive alliance, you should probably prioritize Diplomatic Networking and Direct DIplomacy instead of The Federation.

These bonuses can be used to establish grand ententes across the stars, to maintain a vast empire of subject fiefs with the Shared Destiny ascension perk, or to become Galactic Custodian (or Emperor) with the extra Diplomatic Weight and envoy.

In other words, other Tradition trees may have helped you assert your place in the galaxy, but Diplomacy will let you shape it.

Other Traditions Worth Looking Into

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (7)

There are a few other Tradition trees, but in the late game you’ll probably have snowballed enough that it doesn’t matter anymore.

When you try peculiar or niche playstyles, however, these Tradition trees may find their time to shine – and to be honest, some of them are a lot of fun to play.

Just as an example, Unyielding is usually a weaker version of Supremacy.

Pacifist empires have very little use for Supremacy, and roleplaying an isolationist power and seeing fleets destroyed by my bastions is exhilarating – at least for me.

Which Traditions To Pick First in Stellaris – FandomSpot (2024)


What is the best first tradition in Stellaris? ›

The Unyielding Tradition has one of the best starting bonuses of any Tradition: +2 Starbase Capacity and +50% Starbase Upgrade Speed. This combination gives the player a significant jump-start for the expansion of the empire.

How many traditions are there in Stellaris? ›

Traditions are grouped into tradition trees with 5 traditions each, as well as a bonus for adopting the tradition tree and one for finishing it. Each empire can select up to 7 tradition trees.

What is empire size Stellaris? ›

Empire size represents the increasing difficulties of managing a large empire. Each point of empire size above 100 increases tradition and technology cost by +0.2%. This penalty is affected by certain authorities and a single technology, as noted in the table on the right.

Where is the traditions tab Stellaris? ›

In the current version of the game (Pyxis v3. 10.0), the traditions tab and the telics tab are in different windows: The Traditions tab is on the Society Management window, along with the Crisis tab. The Relics And Minor Artifacts tab is on the Discoveries window, along with the Astral Actions tab.

What is the best way to start Stellaris? ›

This list has been updated with a few more tips to help Stellaris players do just that.
  1. 1 Resource Management. ...
  2. 2 Explorations Are Always Good. ...
  3. 3 Find The Precursors. ...
  4. 4 Grab Unique Systems. ...
  5. 5 Use The Market Often. ...
  6. 6 Expand As Soon As Possible. ...
  7. 7 Aim For Archaeological Sites. ...
  8. 8 Focus On Increasing Research Speed.
Feb 29, 2024

What is the best default origin in Stellaris? ›

  • 8 Necrophage. ...
  • 7 Here Be Dragons. ...
  • 6 Clone Army. ...
  • 5 Common Ground. ...
  • 4 Void Dwellers. Populate The Galaxy With Habitats. ...
  • 3 Scion. Begin A Journey With A Powerful Fallen Backup. ...
  • 2 Shattered Ring. Reside In A Ring World To Begin Galactic Conquest. ...
  • 1 Hegemon. Lead A Federation Dedicated To The Player's Empire.
May 6, 2024

How long is 1 game of Stellaris? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story4732h 51m
Main + Extras54112h 3m
Completionist13469h 2m
All PlayStyles114120h 7m

What is the max planet population in Stellaris? ›

Pops start to decline when a planet is 25% overcrowded. Planet capacity is capped at 500, regardless of free housing or unblocked districts. Pops can go over 500 and will not stop growing (or decline) until the required housing exceeds available housing by 15% (or 25%). species growth by −0.5%.

How big should my fleet be Stellaris? ›

In the contact page it will show your relative fleet strength compared to each empire, you want it to be green(equal) to all your neighbours if you can. You want it as big as you can get it. I'd say balance fleet bigening based on how powerful your neighbours are until all the territory is filled.

What does detox do in Stellaris? ›

> Around 10% of Toxic Worlds are Terraformable, and there are around 70% more Toxic Worlds in the galaxy than Habitable ones. According to this, Detox adds an average of an extra 17% more habitable planets. (0.1 * 1.7 = 0.17.)

What is ascension tier in Stellaris? ›

Each planetary ascension tier increases the effects of the planet designation by 25% and reduces size from the colony by 5%, which includes pops, districts and the colony itself. Ascension tiers are not lost if the designation is changed. All designations gain +10% pop growth and assembly speed on ringworlds.

What does mind over matter do in Stellaris? ›

Mind over matter unlocks the Psionic Tradition tree. Correct. Also, selecting the Mind Over Matter ascension perk unlocks a Government Agenda which progresses by Psionic Theory 25% and unlocks as a permanent research option. You still need Psionic Theory in order to progress through the Psionics tradition tree.

What is the best start position in Stellaris? ›

When starting a new game, what is considered a good start? Map border to lower the risk of having hostile empires in any direction. Nebulas are good as well as they might grant you access to more spots for research stations and strategic resources.

What is the best race for beginners in Stellaris? ›

Scion is a powerful origin and an excellent starting pick for new players, as there are many bonuses and few downsides (aside from being the subject of one of the most powerful empires in the galaxy).

What is the first contact protocol event in Stellaris? ›

First Contact Protocol dictates an empire's stance on unknown aliens as well as whether an empire can order fleets to attack another empire before establishing communications. Encountering alien life for the first time will bring the option to set the initial policy, which cannot be changed for at least 10 years.

How to play Stellaris effectively? ›

The most important resource for the very early game is energy. You can use the market to buy other resources with energy. Your second most important resource is minerals, you need minerals for growing your economy: buildings, districts, starbase mining/research - all needs minerals.


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