Upping the Game | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Upping the Game Side Quest for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. During this quest, you will be able to help Murphy become a better Quidditch commentator.

This quest is available for students of Year 3 and above, and is not time-limited. In other words, you can take as long as you need to complete it. In order to unlock it, you need to reach Chapter 4 of Year 3 of the main story. You also need to reach Season 1 Chapter 5 of Quidditch.


Quest Summary:

  • Task 1: Talk to Murphy
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Murphy if you think his commentating is irritating
      • Not at all (Your Empathy level): +10 Empathy
      • She has a point: +5 Courage
  • Task 2: Study Quidditch History
    • Location: Library
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Murphy if you are making things up as you go
      • Of course not!: +5 Knowledge
      • You bet I am!: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Learn Sonorus
    • Location: Charms Classroom
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Flitwick if you are concerned
      • Yes, that does have me worried: +5 Empathy
      • No, I’m not worried about that: +5 Courage
  • Task 4: Brew Babbling Beverage
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Murphy if his training is on schedule
      • Your training is right on schedule!: +5 Knowledge
      • There is no schedule: +5 Empathy
  • Task 5: Practice Commentating
    • Location: Magical Creatures Reserve – Forest
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Murphy which exercise he was best at
      • Babbling: +5 Empathy
      • Amplifying Your Voice: +5 Knowledge
      • Pixie Spotting: +5 Courage
  • Task 6: Commentate Quidditch
    • Location: Commentary Box
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Murphy if you’d like to coach again
      • Absolutely (Your Courage level – 1): +10 Courage
      • It depends on who I’m coaching: +5 Knowledge
      • I’d like to go out on a high note: +5 Empathy
  • Quest Rewards: 1200 Experience Points, 50 Empathy points, 10 Gems

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(Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a Year 7 student. Since this side quest is available for students of Year 3 and above, the requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on the year you’re in or the level of your attributes.)

Once you start the quest, proceed to the Great Hall to meet with Murphy. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say. You’ll notice that Murphy and Erika are in the middle of an argument.

Upping the Game | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

Apparently, she doesn’t think he is a good Quidditch commentator. Murphy will try to present his argument to her. Rath will interrupt him mid-sentence and say that his statistics are meaningless and made-up.

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Poor Murphy will be left completely speechless. Moments later, Erika will leave the place. You’ll ask Murphy to tell you what’s going on. He’ll admit he’s feeling pretty bad after what Rath said earlier. You will ask him to tell you what happened. He will explain that Rath insulted his commentating skills.

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According to her, Murphy is not too good of a commentator. You will hate seeing your friend so down. Murphy will ask for your honest opinion. There are two options to choose from.If you like Murphy, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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You’ll figure out that his announcing feels very familiar because people hear it at each match. Still, Murphy will be determined to improve his commentating skills before returning to the Commentary Box. He’ll smile and tell you some interesting Quidditch facts.

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You will be curious to know who Darren O’Hare is. Murphy will say that he was a famous Quidditch captain who inspired his team and led them to greatness. He’ll figure out he needs someone to lead him to greatness. You will immediately offer to help.

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Still, Murphy won’t be sure if you are the right person for the job. You’ll ask him to let you prove your strategy over a game of wizard’s chess. Convincing Murphy requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Murphy and your character. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Despite winning the game, Murphy will admit he’s impressed by your strategy. You’ll ask if it means he will let you help him. He’ll smile and say that he’s convinced. He will say that your chances of success are fairly high.

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He’ll hope that you are ready to discover a whole new side to his commentating. You’ll remind him that you are going to be coaching him. He’ll wonder what you are planning to do first. You will suggest starting with some books.

Proceed to the Library when you are ready. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some characters and see what they have to say. You’ll be confident that you can help Murphy become the great Quidditch commentator.

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He will be happy to hear that. Madam Pince will tell him to keep his voice down. You’ll ask him to be careful. After all, you wouldn’t want to get kicked out of the library.

Murphy will ask what you are planning to do next. You will say that you want him to do some studying on Quidditch history.

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Murphy will remind you that he’s an expert on Quidditch history. You’ll say that you want him to discover something other than pure Quidditch facts. Shortly after, the two of you will start researching. Studying Quidditch history requires earning five stars within an hour. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are actions with bonus progress tied to Madam Pince and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

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Once you are done with the research, Murphy will feel refreshed and inspired. He’ll recall some details of the story of legendary Roderick Plumpton. According to Murphy, he managed to catch the Golden Snitch after only 3.5 seconds. However, not everyone believed it really happened.

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You will love Murphy’s passion for Quidditch, but you will remind him to stay focused on the task at hand. Murphy will ask you about the next step of your plan. You’ll start thinking about what to do next.

Murphy will notice that you are hesitating, and he’ll ask if you are making things up on the fly. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to go with the option you prefer.

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Either way, Murphy will get excited about the next stage of your plan, and his loud voice will draw the attention of Madam Pince.

He will apologize to her and say he has trouble controlling his voice. She will advise him to learn to control it. That will give you an interesting idea.

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Upping the Game | Hogwarts Cafe (17)

Murphy will like your idea. You will suggest going to Charms classroom. Proceed there when you are ready.

You will greet Professor Flitwick and tell him that you need his help. Murphy will say that it is very urgent.

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Professor Flitwick will assume that something terrible has happened. You’ll tell him that’s not the case. He’ll ask if there’s a broken artifact that needs fixing. You’ll tell him that unfortunately, he’s wrong again.

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He will ask you to tell him what’s going on. Murphy will bluntly say that he needs to learn to shout like a champion.

Needless to say, Professor Flitwick will be surprised by his request. You’ll provide a more detailed explanation.

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The Professor will warn you that Sonorus Charm can be quite annoying. You’ll tell him that Murphy needs to learn that charm to improve his Quidditch commentating. According to Flitwick, your friend is already quite skilled as a commentator.

He will ask if you are concerned the Amplifying Charm might make him too loud. There are two options to reply with. Both of these will lead to a similar outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

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In the end, Professor Flitwick will agree to teach you and Murphy the Amplifying Charm. However, he will warn you to be careful when using it.

Learning Sonorus requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, so avoid starting this task if you are low on energy.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to Murphy and Professor Flitwick. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Once you are done, you’ll be tasked with casting the spell. Trace the wand movement to do so.

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The spell will work as intended, and your voices will be amplified.

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Murphy will be very happy after successfully casting the Amplifying Charm. Your previous choice will take effect here.

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Once again, Professor Flitwick will warn you to be careful when using Sonorus. Murphy will reassure him there’s nothing to worry about.

You will then inform Murphy about the next part of your plan. You’ll tell him he needs to be quick while commentating Quidditch.

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Murphy will agree with you. Luckily for him, you know someone who can help. Proceed to the Artefact Room when you are ready to meet with Penny. You and Murphy will thank Penny for agreeing to meet with you.

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She will suggest brewing babbling beverage to help Murphy speed up his Quidditch commentating. The following lines will differ, depending on whether or not you drank a babbling beverage before.

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Murphy will wonder if using this potion is a good idea. Penny will explain that the purpose of the potion is to help him unlock his fast-talking potential. You’ll also say a few words to convince Murphy.

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In the end, Murphy will agree to give it a try. You’ll then start brewing the potion. Brewing the Babbling Beverage requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, so avoid starting this task if you are low on energy.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to your character and Murphy. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Once the potion is finished, Penny will ask if everyone is ready to try it. Murphy will give her a humorous response.

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Moments later, you and your friends will drink the potion. Before long, each of you will start spouting nonsense.

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After a while, the effects of the potion will wear off. You will ask Murphy to tell you how he feels after drinking the Babbling Beverage. Apparently, your plan worked as intended.

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Murphy will ask if you think his training is on schedule. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t impact the story in any meaningful way, so feel free to choose either option.

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You will then try to figure out the next step of the plan. After thinking about it for a bit, you’ll decide to help Murphy sharpen his sight. Luckily, you will know the perfect way to achieve that.

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Proceed to the forest area of Magical Creatures Reserve when you are ready. Murphy will be excited about the upcoming training session.

You’ll remind him to stay focused since he’s in for quite the challenge. Luckily, Barnaby agreed to help, and he is quite skilled when it comes to magical creatures. The following lines will differ, depending on your current progress of the main story.

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Murphy will appreciate the help. Barnaby will say that he is also quite skilled when it comes to dueling. You’ll try to get him to focus on the task at hand. Suddenly, he will hear a sound nearby. He’ll wonder if that was a centaur. Murphy will be quite sure that wasn’t the case. In fact, he will even provide some numbers to Barnaby.

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You’ll remind him that he’s supposed to be sharpening his sight. He’ll ask you to tell him more about the plan. You’ll quickly tell him what you had in mind.

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Upping the Game | Hogwarts Cafe (43)

Murphy will like your plan. Moments later, Barnaby will release the Pixies. Spotting Pixies requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, it is not recommended to start this task if your energy bar is empty.

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There are some bonus progress actions tied to the Pixies. Focus on their actions if you want to save a bit of energy.

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You will praise Murphy for staying focused on the task and keeping track of everything. He will thank you for your kind words. Also, thanks to Barnaby, the Pixies didn’t fly away.

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You’ll thank him for his help. Murphy will tell you he is ready to get back in the commentary box. You will ask if he is certain about that. He’ll say that he is pretty sure he is ready.

After recalling every step of the training, Murphy will ask for your honest opinion. There are three options to choose from. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to go with the option you prefer.

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Shortly after, you will suggest putting Murphy’s skills to the test. You will need to wait three hours before you can continue. Since you will probably be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

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Head to the Commentary Box once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say. Murphy will be glad to see you arrive. You will admit that you wanted to see his return to the commentary box.

You’ll also say there’s no need for him to call you Coach anymore. Murphy will say that you’ll always be a Coach to him.

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You’ll point out that you simply guided him while he did all the work. He will be determined to make the match fun and exciting for everyone. Moments later, you will see Rath flying by. She will take a look at Murphy before flying away.

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You’ll notice your friend losing his confidence after looking at Rath, so you will decide to encourage him. Still, he will say that he feels like he’s proven her right. You’ll explain that he is looking at it from the wrong perspective. After all, his whole training had nothing to do with proving anything to Rath.

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Murphy will be surprised to hear that. You will go on and say that he needed to prove to himself that he’s a great commentator. He’ll admit he wasn’t looking at the whole situation that way. However, he’ll be unsure if all the training is going to be enough.

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You’ll agree that training on its own isn’t enough. You’ll go on and say that his heart and instinct also play a huge role. Your words will give Murphy a much-needed surge of confidence. Shortly after, the match will begin.

Watching Murphy commentate requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to Murphy, so focus on his actions if you want to save a bit of energy.

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Once the Golden Snitch is caught, Murphy will excitedly comment on it.

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Even Rath will smile after hearing his commentating.

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You will praise him for doing such an amazing job. He’ll humbly say that you are the one who helped him immensely. Also, thanks to your help, he’s gotten over his issues with Rath.

He will wonder if you are planning to coach someone again. There are three options to choose from.If you would like to do something similar in the future, you should pick the first option.

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Once again, Murphy will wholeheartedly thank you for all the help and support you provided.

This will mark the end of Upping the Game Side Quest. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 10 Gems, 1200 Experience points, and 50 Empathy points.

That certainly was an interesting quest. You got to spend some nice time with Murphy, and you also helped him improve his commentating skills. But most importantly, you showed how much you care about your friend, and that’s something truly amazing.

Thank you for reading, and see you soon with more quests and adventures!

Upping the Game | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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