Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (2024)

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Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (1)

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Keno is a pizza delivery boy and a martial artist who also doubles as the vigilant Nightwatcher.

  • Actor Allusion: Keno's father is a martial arts teacher who taught him at a young age and owns a dojo where they both teach students. This mirrors the real life of actor, Ernie Reyes Jr, who portrayed Keno in the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Secret Of The Ooze.
  • Composite Character: Keno doubles as a vigilante The Nightwatcher, who was Raph's alter ego from the 2007 TMNT movie.
  • Hidden Depths: Keno can speak Portuguese as is revealed in Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers Rio.
  • Official Couple: With Indigo Zap.
  • The Rival: To Casey Jones. But in Equrstria Ninjas: Friendship School, the two eventually put their rivalry to rest.

Zach & Caitlyn Roberts

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (2)

Zach and Caitlyn are brother and sister.

Caitlyn is aspiring reporter and even has a blog. She is smart but can be a little critical, stubborn, and nosey which sometimes leads her into trouble, something that Zach doesn't hesitate to poke fun at her for. She's best friends withBuffy Shellhammer. Dispite her flaws, Caitlyn is a good friend, sister, and looks up April and Karai.

Zach is clever and somewhat street-smart and a vigilante. But unlike Casey and Keno, Zach does things differently. He infiltrates gangs under the name Xray and takes them down from the inside. He's someone who goes with his gut, which hasn't let him down yet. He can at times be reckless, immature, and careless, which is why Caitlyn often thinks of him as a "bonehead", but dispite that, he's got boat-loads of heart and is a good fighter as well. And just smart enough to not get in over his head. He's friends withCarter Bridgeand his sisterAngel, who he secretly has a crush on, but unaware that she knows.

Tropes for Zach

  • Adaptational Badass: The Zach of the 1987 cartoon was a The Team Wannabe, this Zach is a bit more competent in fighting thugs like the Purple Dragons. This is due to him being a hockey player on Casey's team.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Zack's name is spelled as 'Zach'.
  • Butt-Monkey: Zach has his moments.
  • Composite Character: Zach is a character adapted from the 1987 series, but works as an undercover vigilante under the alias X-Ray, a character from the 2003 TMNT episode Still Nobody.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Zach is considered by Caitlyn to be the foolish sibling to her responsible.
  • Mythology Gag: In Magical Mayhem, Zach states that he'd make a better vigilante then the Pulverizer. This is a nod to the fact that Pulverizer is loosely based off his 1987 incarnation. And when fighting three Purple Dragon members, Zach defeats them similar to how 1987 Raphael and Donatello fought off the thugs in his debut episode.
  • Related in the Adaptation: While they were unrelated in the 1987 TMNT show, Zach & Caitlyn are brother and sister, Caitlyn beeing the oldest. They're also revealed to be Mondo Gecko's cousins.
  • Shout-Out: The X on Zach's hoodie is similar to the X worn by Daring Danny X from Paw Patrol.

Tropes for Caitlyn

  • Adaptational Jerkass: This version of Caitlyn is blunt, snarky, stubborn, prideful, and has a bit of an ego and a temper. She's also kind of nosey and has almost no qualms about prying into people's business. She also has little problems with snitching on others including her friends.
  • Atrocious Alias: When she's forced to join the Guardian Angels, she's given the alias Tattletale, which she is clearly not a fan of.
    • She also doesn't like the girl group name Mikey gave her, Angel, and Buffy, The ABCs.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Caitlyn is revealed to have this.
  • Blog: Caitlyn has one.
  • Butt-Monkey: Caitlyn has her moments.
  • Car Fu: Rams the Party Wagon into Spider Bytes in Ducks Rock.
  • Composite Character: She's an adaptation of Caitlyn from the 1987 cartoon, but has the role of Zach's older sibling like 80s Zach's brother Walt. She also has an archrivalry with Vern Fenwick, like 80s April had with her Vern.
  • DamselInDistress: Dispite a few badass moments, Caitlyn often has to be saved by the others.
  • The Determinator: Caitlyn will almost do just about anything to get a good scoop. Such as pry into people's business and follow them around. This is mostly due to her rivalry with Vern Fenwick.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": She, Angel, and Buffy all hate The name Mikey gave their girl group, The ABCs.
  • Everybody Has Standards: She may be blunt, snarky, and a nosey snitch, but she draws the line at ignorance and cruelty. And will often call someone out on their misdeeds.
  • Expy: Caitlyn's design and clothing bares a similarity to Alex Bailey from The Land of Stories book series. And her personality is similar to Gwen Tennyson from the classic Ben 10 series.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Caitlyn considers herself the more responsible sibling than Zach.
  • Gamer Chick: Caitlyn is revealed to be this, much to the Turtles and Rainbooms surprise.
  • Hidden Depths: Caitlyn is revealed to be good at singing. She's also revealed to be a hardcore gamer. And Ducks Rock reveals that she can play the drums.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite her jerkness, Caitlyn can be nice and is shown to be a good friend when it counts.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She snitches on the CMC and later, against her will, is their sparing partner for the day as punishment.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She reveals to the Rainbooms that she once tattled on a bully, who was tormenting her brother's friends. Unfortunately, the said bully blamed her brother for it and beat him up, while she and Buffy are held down and forced to watch. Thankfully Angel fought the bully off.
  • Only Sane Man: Caitlyn is this at times.
  • Related in the Adaptation: While they were unrelated in the 1987 TMNT show, Zach & Caitlyn are brother and sister, Caitlyn beeing the oldest. She's also revealed to be Mondo Gecko's cousins.
  • The Stool Pigeon: In Magical Mayhem, Caitlyn rats out Mikey and Keno to the others after finding out they've been training the CMC behind everyone's backs. Which leads her to becoming the CMC'S sparing partner in the end as punishment. Heck. When she joins the Guardian Angels, her alias is Tattletale. Which she hates.
  • Tragic Backstory: As stated by Zach, Caitlyn used to love singing until she was harshly rejected by the Color Strikes when she tried to join their group. She then swore off singing for good and grew to dislike music in general. But with help for April, Karai, and Shinigami she let's singing and music back into her heart.
  • Tsundere: Caitlyn definitely qualifies as this. She has a blunt and snarky personality but does show a softer side at time.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Revealed in Ducks Rock, Caitlyn is afraid of spiders.

Buffy Shellhammer

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (4)

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Buffy Shellhammer is Caitlyn's best friend. And later ally of the Turtles.

  • Adaptational Nice Girl: Buffy from the 1987 TMNT cartoon was a Spoiled Brat, where as this Buffy is more mature and friendly.
  • Age Lift: By one year at 16.
  • Badass Driver: Subverted, as during a chase, Casey and April manage to get ahead and ditch her on a bicycle.
  • DamselInDistress: Since she isn't much of a fighter, Buffy is usually this.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": She, Angel, and Caitlyn all hate The name Mikey gave their girl group, The ABCs.
  • Evil Uncle: Don Vizioso is this to her.
  • Hidden Depths: Like Caitlyn, Buffy has a beautiful singing voice and mentioned that she plays the guitar.
  • Love Interest: To Carter Bridge.
  • Related in the Adaptation: It's revealed much to the Turtles and Allies shock that Buffy is Don Vizioso's niece.
  • Tomboyand Girly Girl: Buffy is the Girly Girl to April, Karai, Shinigami, Gabrielle, and Angel's Tomboy.

Gabrielle Riviera

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (5)

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Gabrielle Riviera is an ally of the Turtles. She's also Casey's new crush and latter girlfriend.

  • Action Girl: Gabby is more than likely to join a fight then be on the sidelines.
  • Adaptational Badass: Gabrielle is a lot tougher then she was in the Mirage comics.
  • Affectionate Nickname: She calls Casey "Lunkhead".
  • Badass Driver: Gabrielle is a skilled driver. Which she learned from Tony Torreto. In the Spy Racers crossover, she challenges and actually beats Layla Gray.
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT mess with her family and friends or she WILL hurt you. Also DON'T ship-tease her or use her, or she'll punch you. Mikey and Zach learned that the hard way.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In The Golden Puck parts 1 & 2, she saves Casey and later the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms from being shot by the Arboost Gang.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Gabby's American but will offen mix Spanish into her English.
  • Brainy Bruinette: While not a science genius like Donatello, Twilight Sparkle, or her cousin, Chaplin, Gabby is street smart and resourceful while also being quite crafty at times.
  • Bully Hunter: She scared off Alpha Bitch, Tiffany, by splattering her nachos on her dress.
  • The Cameo: Had one in the Carmen Sandiego crossover.
  • Crossover Relatives: In the Spy Racers crossover, it's revealed that she's Tony and Dom Torreto's cousin from the [[Fast And Furious Fast and Furious franchise.
  • Faints in Shock: Gabby does this when she first sees the Turtles.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: In the Spy Racers crossover, she and Layla Gray started off disliking each other, but eventually became best friends in the end.
  • Love Interest: To Casey.
  • Mythology Gag: She's a waitress just like her Mirage incarnation.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: She scared off Tiffany, who was being rude to April, Buffy, and Caitlyn, but ended up getting detention for it.
  • Race Lift: She was a blonde Caucasian in the Mirage Comics but here she's of Mexican descent.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Gabrielle is Chaplin's cousin. And in the Spy Racers crossover, she's revealed to be Tony and Dom Torreto's cousin as well.
  • Ship Tease: Mikey did this to her in a flashback in Magical Mayhem, and got punched by her as a result. Her cousin Tony Torreto also did this in Equestria Ninja Girls Spy Racers, though she didn't punch him.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Casey, Zach, their hockey team, the Purple Dragons, and even the Fulci Twins found this out the hard way; Gabrielle is a lot tougher than she looks.
  • Tsundere: Gabby can be nice, friendly, and supportive towards her friends. But towards villains, jerks, or people who mess with her or her friends, her harsh side comes out. This extends to even her friends sometimes.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Gabrielle may not know ninjisu but she can still hold her own in a fight.
  • Voice of Reason: Gabrielle is often this.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: It's revealed in Ducks Rock that just like Raph, Gabby is terrified of co*ckroachs.
  • Younger and Hipper: Like April, Casey, and Karai, this Gabrielle is aged to a teenager.

Chaplin Gomez

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (6)

Buenus noches, Turtles and friends. The name's Dr. Chaplin Gomez. At your service.

Chaplin Gomez is the new head scientist of the Foot Clan.

He appeared in Magical Mayhem, then in Equestria Ninja Girls Spy Racers Rio, and Magic in Manhattan.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the 2003 series, he was an Affably Evil enemy of the Turtles since he was willingly working for Shredder. Here, since the Foot Clan is under Karai's leadership, he's an ally.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Baxter Stockman and Abigail Finn. Stockman despises him because he replaced him as the Foot's head scientist. Abigail Finn hates him because he humiliated her with a Bigfoot prank.
  • Ascended Fan Boy: Downplayed. Like in the 2003 series, he's a fan of Baxter Stockman, but that won't stop him from fighting his idol, knowing he's still a villain.
  • Child Prodigy: He was a university honor student at the age of 10.
  • Flashback Character: His first appearance is in a flashback of when the Turtles and Allies first met Gabrielle.
  • Love Interest: Has a crush on Karai.
  • Race Lift: The 2003 Chaplin was Caucasian, this version of Chaplin is of Hispanic descent.
  • Related in the Adaptation: He and Gabrielle are cousins.
  • The Rival: To Donnie.

Angel Bridge

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (7)

"Mess with the Angel and you get the sticks"

Angel Bridge is a friend of Casey and a member of the Guardian Angels. She's also Zach's love interest.

  • Adaptational Badass: Like her IDW counterpart, Angel is a more experienced fighter and is able to fight opponents bigger than her.
  • Adaptational Heroism: While the Angel in the 2003 TMNT series was a punk kid who wanted to join the Purple Dragons, this Angel hates the Dragons and only joins them to take them down.
  • Age Lift: This Angel is 12 years old, making her younger then her IDW and 2003 counterparts.
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT mock her size or she will hurt you, Raph found this out the hard way.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In Magical Mayhem chapter, Parental Guidance, when Gabby is cheap-shotted by two Purple Nightmares, Angel shows up and singal-handedly knocks the crooks out. And in The Art Show Mystery chapter, she mentions how she came to Zach's rescue when he was being beat up by a bully.
  • Break the Cutie: Helplessly watching her mother and brother get beat up by the Purple Dragons has left her jaded and vengeful.
  • Bully Hunter: She saves Zach from a bully who was beating him up by fighting him and his two goons off.
  • Catchphrase: "Mess with the Angel and you get the sticks!"
  • Composite Character: Her backstory with Hun and the Purple Dragons is very similar to Casey's history with the Dragons in the 2003 TMNT series.
    • And her alias is Dragonface, a character from the 2003 tv series who was Hun's second-in-command of the Purple Dragons.
  • Connected All Along: She and her brother are students at Keno's father's dojo.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her sassy moments.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": She, Buffy, and Caitlyn all hate The name Mikey gave their girl group, The ABCs.
  • Love Interest: To Zach.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: She may be a twelve year old, but she is very tough. Able to fight opponents bigger than her. She even knocked down Raph much to his embarrassment.
  • Mythology Gag: Fights with Escrima sticks like her IDW counterpart.
  • Related in the Adaptation: She and Carter are brother and sister here.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Like Gabby, Angel is stronger then she looks. Raph found this out the hard way, after making a remark about her size.
  • Tragic Backstory: When she was younger, the Purple Dragons attacked her home as she helplessly watched Hun beat up her mother so bad she had to go to the hospital. She also watched the Purple Dragon trio beat up her brother. After that, she made it her mission to take down the Purple Dragons as revenge and helped form the Guardian Angels.


Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (8)

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Carter is Angel's older brother and another member of the Guardian Angels.

  • Age Lift: The Carter of the 80s series was collage aged, this Carter is still in high school, implying that he's slightly younger.
  • Badass Driver: Is able to evade the Equestrian Magic infected Party Wagon on his motorcycle.
  • Composite Character: He's an adapted character from the 1987 TMNT cartoon and is also Angel's older brother, who's 2003 counterpart had an older brother named Ryan.
  • Hidden Depths: Carter can sing beautifully and play guitar. It's because of this, Rainbow Dash asks him to perform with the Rainbooms.
  • Love Interest: Has a crush on Buffy.
  • Mythology Gag: His alias is Enforce, which was the name of an episode from the 1987 TMNT cartoon called Carter the Enforcer.
  • Related in the Adaptation: He and Angel are brother and sister here.
  • Tragic Backstory: He was beat up by the Purple Dragons when they attack his house, which is why he took up martial arts.

Vernon Fenwick

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (9)


Vern Fenwick is a video journalist at Roosevelt High and the arch rival to Caitlyn.

  • Ascended Extra: After his brief flashback appearance in Magical Mayhem, Vern returns in the Mighty Ducks crossover Ducks Rock.
  • Blog: His web show Facts With The Falcon.
  • Butt-Monkey: He suffers this in Ducks Rock.
  • Foil: To Caitlyn. Both are amateur journalist with a steadfast
  • Jerkass: Is a smarmy guy with a big ego
  • Mythology Gag: Refers to himself as "The Falcon".
    • In Ducks Rock he wears a disguise that is based off his 1987 version's look, albeit with a hat and fake mustache and beard.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: He and Caitlyn are sworn rivials.
  • Smug Snake: Just like his 80's counterpart, Vern believes he's the superior journalist to Caitlyn and is not shy about rubbing it in her face.
  • Troll: In a flashback, he slandered Caitlyn in a news report just infuriate her.
  • You Are Grounded!: In the epilogue of Ducks Rock, he got grounded by his parents.
  • Younger and Hipper: Like April, Casey, and Karai, Vern is also a teenager.


Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (10)

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A popular girl at Roosevelt High, who looks down upon other students, particularly April and her friends.

  • Age Lift: This version of Tiffany is a teenager in this.
  • Alpha Bitch: Very much so.
  • Hate Stink: Tiffany mocks and belittles April and her friends for no reason other than to be cruel. And when Gabby chases her off, she plays victim and get's her sent to detention, then proceeds to rub it in her face.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She insulted April and Buffy outfits and Gabby splattered her nachos on her. And later, after she mocked Gabby, she was tripped into a open cart by April and sent rolling out the window into a dumpster by Buffy and Caitlyn.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: To April.
  • Smug Snake: She mocked Gabby after successfully getting her in trouble, saying to never mess with the higherarchy and even called her a freak. Thankfully, she immediately got her comeuppance, see above.
  • Younger and Hipper: Is an 1987 character aged down to a teenager.


Bandit Raccoon

Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (11)

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  • The Ace: He's a skilled basketball player and good at combat as well.
  • The Artful Dodger: He took on a life of stealing after his mutation, but he quit that life when he grew tired of it, knowing it was wrong.
  • Battle Couple: With Juniper Montage.
  • Original Character
  • Expy: Of Rocket Racoon. And his thieving past also makes him similar to Sly Cooper.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Raph didn't trust him and drove him away after a sparring turned brutal, but after helping him defeat Panther, he apologized and two became friends.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He at first used his new skills to rob from people with Panther, but he eventually saw that it wasn't right and quit.
  • Partners In Crime: He joined up with Panter after his mutation, and the two started stealing from others. But he eventually decided it wasn't right and left Panther.
  • The Runaway: He ranaway from home after his mutation, thinking his parents wouldn't accept him. But in the fic Friendship Cruise, after a little encouragement from Juniper Montage, he returns to his parents who do accept him as a mutant.
  • Shout-Out: His story is similar to Mondo Gecko's. Like him, he too was mutated by one of the mutagen canisters that the Turtles spilled and fell out with the wrong person, Panther, but turned on him, helped the Turtles take him down, and joined the Mutanimals.
  • The Survivor: He managed to hide out during all three of the Kraang, Triceraton, and Vreen invasion of New York.
  • Tragic Backstory: He was aspiring basketball player with dreams of joing a pro team. But those dreams were cut down when he was hit by one of the canisters of mutagen the Turtles accidentally spilled from the Kraang Ship in Mutation Situation. He then got involved in stealing with another mutant, Panther, but walked away when he realized it was wrong.
  • The Pawn: He was this to Panther until he quit.



Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (12)

"You're full of such loyalty and honor, Rainbow Dash. You remind me a lot of me in my days."

Traximus is a Triceraton gladiator and ally of the Turtles and Rainbooms, who was once a prisoner but escaped and joined them on their journey to retrieve the Black Hole Generator fragments.

  • Bash Brothers: He and Zeno are this.
  • Broken Pedestal: He used to look up to Mozar as a roll model, but he lost that respect since Mozar wanted to destroy an entire planet and it's inhabitants just to wipe out the Kraang.
  • The Bus Came Back: He returns in the fic Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas to help take down Armagon. Joins in on the Turtles Christmas party in A Rainboom Turtle Christmas and fights the Kraang alongside his 2003 counterpart in I love Being A Rainboom.
  • Easily Forgiven: After hearing Fugitoid's story, Traximus forgives him for his mistake and joins Sunset and Sci-Twi when they defend him after Leo learns the truth and labels Fugitoid.
  • Love Interest: To Sour Sweet.
  • The Sixth Ranger: After he escaped the Arena of Carnage, he joined up with the Turtles and Rainbooms to help hunt down the pieces of the Black Hole Generator.
Original TMNT Characters - TV Tropes (2024)


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