Keeping Rats Away - 7 Natural Rat Repellent Tips and Recipes (2024)

I know how frustrating a rat problem can be, but don’t worry; I’ve got some simple and inexpensive ways to repel these pests naturally.

  • I use a homemade repellent made from ammonia and vinegar to deter rats.
  • I find that planting mint, daffodils, and other repelling plants keeps rats at bay and makes my garden look great.
  • I sprinkle crushed mothballs mixed with dish detergent and water near potential rat entry points.
  • I set up ultrasonic rodent repellers which are a non-toxic way to keep rats away.
  • I block any small gaps or holes with steel wool to prevent rats from entering.

To use the ammonia and vinegar repellent, I mix the substances in a spray bottle and apply it where rat activity is noticeable. Madison Kerr, a seasoned authority on pest control, advises, “I always tell people to be cautious with homemade repellents like ammonia because they can be harmful to pets.”

For the mothball mixture, I crush them, add them to a spray bottle with water and dish detergent, and then spray it around the house, especially near food sources and entry points. I also plant repellent plants around the exterior of my home, which manages to make the place look inviting for humans while being uninviting for rodents.

For a more high-tech solution, I install ultrasonic repellers that emit a sound that is unpleasant for rats. Finally, I make sure to check for and seal any rat entry points with steel wool, which is difficult for them to chew through. All of these methods are quick, cost-efficient, and easy to implement.

If you’ve ever had a rat issue in your home, then you know how stressful and unsettling it can feel to have these unwanted guests in your space. At the first sign of rat poop or other rodent activity in your home, you should be planning which natural rat repellent technique will stop them in their tracks.

There are many options for you to get rid of rats naturally without having to use poison or other methods that may cause damage to you or your home. Whether the rat infestation is coming from your backyard and you want to stop it from spreading, or these rodents are already inside and you need them out, these home remedies can help.

The natural repellent tips and recipes in this list are based on an understanding of how rats behave. We’ll let you know what to do to make your home less appealing to these pests and how to scare them off if they’ve already settled.

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Table Of Contents

  1. Amazingly Easy Natural Ways I Repel Rats
    • My Homemade Rat Repellent
    • Predator Urine
    • Essential Oils
    • Natural Rat Repellent
    • Bring Plants Around
    • My Home Remedies to Kill Rats
    • Steel Wool Barricades
    • My Natural Rat Repellent Recipe

Amazingly Easy Natural Ways I Repel Rats

My Homemade Rat Repellent

If there is rodent activity in your house, then you can make your own squirrel repellent and rodent deterrent, as mice and rats can’t stand the way ammonia smells. However, while it includes natural ingredients, it might not be the right choice for homes with small dogs or other pets.

Pour the ammonia and vinegar in a spray bottle and mix well. Spray the mouse repellent anywhere you’ve detected activity or in any areas where there may be entry points into your house.

Alternatively, if you don’t have time to go around spraying, you can spray cotton balls with the mixture and leave them in areas around the house. If you choose the cotton balls, replace them every two weeks.

Be careful when you are making and using this rat control spray, as high concentrations of ammonia may be irritating to your eyes and skin.

Predator Urine

One of the most natural ways to solve your rat problem is to trick the rodents into think there is a predator nearby. However, this may not be the best option to get rid of rats if they’ve already made it inside the house – obviously, urine doesn’t smell great, so this is better as an outdoor solution.

Coyote urine is the best option, and you can buy it at hardware stores or online. Some companies sell products specifically for indoor use that are designed for placement in basem*nts, under sinks, and around other places rats love.

Essential Oils

If you’re looking for a natural rat repellent that is eco-friendly and will leave your house smelling great, then essential oils are perfect for you. While this method might sound far-fetched, there is scientific research to back up its potential.

Many essential oils double as methods to repel insects and other pests. For instance, peppermint oil can also keep mice away naturally. If you prefer not to make your own mixture, you can buy Rat Magic, an essential oil-based repellent for outdoor use.

These humane methods of repelling rodents are welcome because success doesn’t involve having to search for dead rat carcasses as you would have to with poisons. There’s nothing worse than the smell of a dead rat decomposing in your walls, and you can avoid that eventuality with repellent.


Essential Oils I Use to Repel Mice and Rats

  • Peppermint oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Citronella oil
  • Eucalyptus oil


If you’re looking for another non-toxic, humane way to get rid of mice or rats, you could purchase an ultrasonic rodent repeller.

Natural Rat Repellent

This recipe will give you a rat control spray that once again scares away the rat population based on smell. Any rodent that gets a whiff of this mixture will head off in search of a new home far away from yours.


My Natural Rat Repellent Recipe

  • 1/8 cup mothballs
  • 1 teaspoon dish detergent
  • Water


Place the mothballs in a sturdy plastic bag and then crush them using a hammer. For the next step, transfer the crushed mothballs into a spray bottle and fill it with water. Finally, pour in the dish detergent and shake to mix well.

Spray this natural mouse repellent anywhere inside or outside the house where you detect signs of rat activity, or in any areas they may frequent. Be sure to pay attention to areas close to a food source, by any small gaps they may traveling through, or anywhere else that seems necessary.

Bring Plants Around

Plants are a pleasant natural mouse repellent that works on rats too. This method of keeping mice away is one of our favorites because it serves so many different functions.

Plants can improve the aesthetic of your home and also doubles as pest control for other unwanted guests like insects and small animals.


Plants I Use for Rat and Pest Control

  • Peppermint
  • Daffodils
  • Lavender
  • Euphorbias
  • Grape hyacinths
  • Camphor
  • Alliums


You can either bring potted plants inside or plant them outside to keep mice out of your garden and away from the exterior of your home. By keeping rats off your property entirely, they’ll have no way to sneak inside.

My Home Remedies to Kill Rats

If you aren’t having success with these gentler rat removal methods, then you might have to resort to rat traps. There are humane mouse trap options, such as catch-and-release traps, but there are also traps that serve as home remedies to kill rats.

Keep in mind that a small mouse trap will not be effective against rats, as they are so much larger. Whether you choose a traditional snap trap or a glue trap, you’ll need one large enough to stop a rat.

Glue traps have an adhesive surface with bait on top that entices rats to step on the sticky trap, getting stuck. Most rats will die of starvation or suffocation on the trap, but it is possible to release the rat if desired if it’s still alive when you check the trap.

Steel Wool Barricades

The best way to eliminate a rodent problem is by being proactive and minimizing the chances of unwanted pests getting in your home in the first place. Keep your house clean, remove or securely hide food sources like pet food or leftovers, and fill in holes and cracks with caulk.

Another effective material to use when filling in small gaps or holes is steel wool. If you’ve spotted an entry point in your wall, create a barrier with steel wool, as it is more challenging for rats to nibble through compared to other materials.

Once you clear the rat infestation from your home, it’s essential to do a thorough cleaning with a bleach and water mixture to keep yourself protected from diseases. To avoid future problems, continue with some of these natural rat repellent techniques.

My Natural Rat Repellent Recipe

Keeping Rats Away - 7 Natural Rat Repellent Tips and Recipes (3)

Natural Rat Repellent

Yield: 2 cups

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Deter rats and other rodents with this potent spray.


  • 8 ounces white vinegar
  • 8 ounces ammonia


  • Measuring cup
  • 16 ounce spray bottle


  1. Carefully add the two liquids to the sprayer.
  2. Shake to combine the mixture.
  3. Spritz areas where you have seen rats or mice.
  4. Repeat periodically to keep rodents away.


As a bonus, ammonia repels snakes, too.

Keeping Rats Away - 7 Natural Rat Repellent Tips and Recipes (4)

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Keeping Rats Away - 7 Natural Rat Repellent Tips and Recipes (2024)


Keeping Rats Away - 7 Natural Rat Repellent Tips and Recipes? ›

Essential oils that may be helpful in repelling rats and mice include peppermint oil, lemon oil, citronella oil, and eucalyptus oil. You can make an essential oil spray by mixing 2 teaspoons of oil with 1 cup of water or rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Then spray it anywhere you see traces of rodents.

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Instead, try a DIY repellent mixture that is both effective and doesn't cost too much either. “Create a potent repellent recipe using minced garlic cloves, castor oil, soap, tabasco, and water. “Spray this delightful mix all around your garden to keep the rats away.”

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Remove any potential habitats, such as old cars, wood piles, or an overgrown, weedy garden. Also, consider trimming back any branches, trees, shrubs, or limbs that come near your house to at least four feet away from the building, as this clearance will help prevent rats from getting near.

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- Remove clutter such as paper and cardboard, which rats can use to build nests. - Properly trim shrubs and bushes to avoid places rats can easily hide. Be careful to clean up bush and grass clippings, as rats might use them to build nests. - Store firewood away from your house.

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So, what is the fastest way to get rid of rats? Pest control is the most efficient method to get rid of rats quickly but the usage of mouse traps, snap traps, chemical baits, and live traps are all effective methods to get rid of rats as quickly and effectively as possible.

What deters rats the most? ›

The smell of peppermint, chili pepper, eucalyptus, citronella, and sagebrush are all effective at keeping rats away if applied in the right concentration. They are also deterred by chemical smells like ammonia and bleach.

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Odors and smells that come from pet waste, pet food, garbage containers, barbecue grills, birdfeeders, and even from unharvested fruit and nuts from plants can attract rats and mice. Good sanitation habits can effectively improve the prevention of attracting rodents in your yard.

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Candles, perfumes, air fresheners, and essential oils can be deadly and highly toxic for pet rats.

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White vinegar: rats are especially un-fond of white vinegar – which is good news as it is a very common household ingredient. You can dampen some cotton wool balls with white vinegar or simply add some to a spray bottle with water as mentioned above. And it's not just the smell; the taste repels rats as well.

What do rats hate the worst? ›

Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is a powerful scent that rats find repulsive. This aroma can be highly effective in deterring rats from infested areas, whether it's the strong eucalyptus oil or the distinct fragrance of crushed eucalyptus leaves.

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Peppermint. Peppermint may be the most pleasant and effective in the rat removal process among the smells that rats hate. Peppermint provides a non-toxic odor that rats will not want to stay around.

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To deal with these issues, one should focus on preventing rats from accessing food and shelter, implementing a rat control program, and regularly inspecting and monitoring their property. This may include things like sealing off entry points, trapping, and using repellents and bait stations.

Does vinegar make rats go away? ›

Vinegar works by masking smells and oils which will deter mice and rats from entering an area or chewing on any material. However, it needs to be used with other methods since vinegar by itself will not keep rodents away from your home.

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So, how does Baking soda kill rats and mice? Knowing that rodents don't burp or vomit, the baking soda releases gasses that the pests cannot expel, which leads to blockage and bursting of the digestive system, which kills the rodents.

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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Rats

Eucalyptus or Peppermint oil can repel rats because they hate the smell. Another way to use a rat's sense of smell against them is to plant peppermint and catnip in strategic places. Diatomaceous earth is non-toxic to humans, but it can dry out rats until they die.

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Tabasco Sauce or Chili Pepper

Tabasco sauce and chili pepper are common kitchen staples with strong aromas that rats don't want to mess around with, so they are safe and effective options. The catch is that rats need to get close to these hot substances to pick up on the strong smell of capsaicin.

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Does Pine Sol deter rodents? As will most cleaners, Pine-Sol contains properties that may deter rodents and other types of pests; however, this is not a viable solution as a pest control measure.

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It's possible to repel rats using essential oils such as peppermint oil and other smells that they naturally don't like. Using peppermint oil is one of the easiest ways to keep rats away from your home as long as you aren't giving them an easy food source.


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